June 25, 2015

King v. Burwell Decision a Win for Those Aged 50 – 64

Supreme Court Ruling Keeps Premiums Affordable for those not Eligible for Medicare

The following statement was issued today by Richard Fiesta, Executive Director of the Alliance for Retired Americans following the U.S. Supreme Court decision in the case of King v. Burwell:

“With its King v. Burwell decision, the U.S. Supreme Court today confirmed that the Affordable Care Act benefits older workers and retirees and could withstand attempts to take it apart piece-by-piece though legal challenges

“The court’s decision is particularly helpful to older citizens who are not yet eligible for Medicare. The ACA provides subsidies to millions of workers 50 and older so that they can have access to affordable health care under both the state and federal exchanges. Adults in this demographic are more likely to face increased costs and risks, and the insurance industry has priced coverage out of their reach in many cases. The RAND Corporation has said that 34.9% of the current ACA market is comprised of 50-64 year olds, and of that cohort, 72.6% are subsidy-eligible

“The ACA institutes numerous delivery system reforms that help reduce the cost of health care and is a legitimate way to expand health care coverage to millions. It also offers free preventive care to seniors, helps them with their prescription drug costs by closing the “doughnut hole” gap in coverage, and extends the life of the Medicare Trust Fund by at least 12 years.

“The Alliance will continue to vigorously oppose  the legislative and judicial attacks that seek to destroy the important gains working Americans made through the ACA. Republican governors and legislatures that have blocked the ACA coverage expansions at every turn should change course and act to preserve their residents’ access to coverage.”

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