December 08, 2010

Wednesday Vote on Social Security – Call Senators Kirk & Durbin!

For the second year in a row Social Security recipients will not receive a cost of living increase in 2011. This Wednesday, Congress is scheduled to vote on a bill to grant a $250 payment to Social Security recipients to make up for the freeze in the cost of living increase.

The Senate will need 60 votes to stop a filibuster to pass the bill, so it is especially important seniors contact Sen. Kirk and Sen. Durbin. Please call the Senators at their Chicago or Washington, DC office today.

Senator Mark Kirk:
Chicago: 312-886-3506
Washington, DC: 202-224-2854
“Hello, my name is _________ and I am a voter in Illinois. I am calling to ask Senator Kirk to vote yes on the bill that gives Social Security recipients a $250 payment. As seniors struggle to get by, now more than ever we need this extra support.”

Senator Dick Durbin:
Chicago: 312-353-4952
Washington, DC: 202-224-2152
“Hello, my name is _________ and I am a voter in Illinois. I am calling to ask Senator Durbin to vote yes on the bill that gives Social Security recipients a $250 payment. I was disappointed that the Senator voted for the deficit commission proposal, but I hope he will continue his traditional support of Social Security by supporting this bill.

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