Save home care services NOW
March 25, 2013: On March 15th, the Illinois Department on Aging ran out of funding for the Community Care Program. More than 80,000 seniors in Illinois depend on a Community Care home care provider to help them live independently. Call your state legislator now t...Read more >
Tell Your U.S. Senators to Stop the Sequester Today!
February 26, 2013: Unless Congress acts this week, drastic automatic spending cuts, known as the sequester, will go into effect. Programs vital to seniors like Meals on Wheels, cutting edge medical research, and food safety inspections would be severely cut back. W...Read more >
In Fiscal Cliff Delay, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid Remain at Risk
January 02, 2013: The fiscal cliff deal passed by Congress last night is a breakthrough in beginning to restore tax fairness. It raises over $700 billion over 10 years by ending the Bush tax cuts for families making over $450,000 a year. The deal does not cut Social S...Read more >
2012 Social Security Trustees’ Report Released
April 23, 2012: Today, the Social Security Trustees released their annual report on the financial status of Social Security. The report, issued every year, projects Social Security’s income and outgo for the next 75 years. Once again, this year shows that Social S...Read more >
Paul Ryan Budget Round Two – Cuts to Medicare & Social Security
March 26, 2012: Last week, Congressman Paul Ryan released the Republican's proposed 2013 federal budget. Their proposal would expand tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires, while pulling away critical Medicare and Social Security protections from the middle clas...Read more >
Social Security COLA announcement clouded by looming threat in Congress
October 19, 2011: Today, the Social Security Administration announced that monthly Social Security benefits will increase 3.6 percent in 2012. Additionally, due to an increase in average wages, the maximum amount of wages subject to the Social Security tax will inc...Read more >
The Debt Deal for Seniors
August 03, 2011: This afternoon, the long-anticipated deal on raising the debt ceiling is expected to pass out of the Senate and signed into law. The good news about the deal is that your letters, emails, protests and calls to Congress have temporarily protected S...Read more >
Governor Quinn Calls for Elminating Illinois Cares Rx
February 21, 2011: On February 16, Governor Quinn released his proposed budget for 2012, which includes eliminating the Illinois Cares Rx program. This crucial program helps seniors on Medicare Part D pay for their deductible, monthly premiums and prescription drugs. O...Read more >
Wednesday Vote on Social Security – Call Senators Kirk & Durbin!
December 08, 2010: For the second year in a row Social Security recipients will not receive a cost of living increase in 2011. This Wednesday, Congress is scheduled to vote on a bill to grant a $250 payment to Social Security recipients to make up for the freeze in the...Read more >
Deficit Commission Co-Chairs Release Recommendations on Social Security
November 17, 2010: The Co-Chairs of the Washington deficit commission (Erskine Bowles and Alan Simpson) released a report on their recommendations to reduce the national deficit. As expected, the Co-Chairs proposed cuts to Social Security for both current and futur...Read more >