TPP Text Proves Seniors Are Right to Worry About Higher Prescription Drug Prices
November 06, 2015: After months of secret negotiations, the Obama Administration released the text of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal on Thursday. “Now that the final wording has been made public, we know that seniors are right to be worried about t...Read more >
Republicans in U.S. House and Senate Plan Ways to Cut Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid
November 06, 2015: [caption id="attachment_912" align="alignleft" width="150"] Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Ky., center, speaks to reporters on Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday, Feb. 4, 2014, after a weekly policy luncheon. From left are, Sen. Roy Blunt...Read more >
Seniors Left Vulnerable as Governor Rauner Threatens Medicaid Funding During Medicaid’s 50th Anniversary
July 30, 2015: Chicago, IL- As retirees mark the 50th anniversary of Medicaid on Thursday, July 30th, Governor Rauner continues to attack basic services provided to thousands of seniors and working families across the state of Illinois. In February, the Governor...Read more >
Statement by Retiree Leader Richard Fiesta on the 2015 Social Security and Medicare Trustees Reports
July 22, 2015: The following statement was issued by Richard Fiesta, Executive Director of the Alliance for Retired Americans, regarding Trustees reports issued today on the Social Security and Medicare Trust Funds: “The Social Security and Medicare trustees tod...Read more >
Cooling Assistance for Low-Income Seniors Eliminated During Anniversary of Deadly Heat Wave
July 20, 2015: CHICAGO, IL – Governor Bruce Rauner marked this month’s 20th anniversary of the Chicago heat wave by withholding funds that provide cooling assistance to the state’s most vulnerable residents. Many of the 1995 heat wave’s 739 fatalities we...Read more >
Four Hundred Senior Activists to Descend on Washington This Week
July 06, 2015: Washington, DC - Beginning on Tuesday, July 7, at 1:00 pm, four hundred activist members of the Alliance for Retired Americans from across the country will sharpen their political organizing and advocacy skills at a four-day conference at the Washing...Read more >
King v. Burwell Decision a Win for Those Aged 50 – 64
June 25, 2015: Supreme Court Ruling Keeps Premiums Affordable for those not Eligible for Medicare The following statement was issued today by Richard Fiesta, Executive Director of the Alliance for Retired Americans following the U.S. Supreme Court decision in the ...Read more >
Bad Trade Deal Blocked in a Temporary Victory for Seniors
June 12, 2015: The following statement was issued today by Richard Fiesta, Executive Director of the Alliance for Retired Americans, following the U.S. House votes on the Trans-Pacific Partnership Fast Track Authority legislative package. “Today’s votes in t...Read more >
Stop Fast Track Now!
June 03, 2015: The House Republican leadership is pushing to bring Fast Track legislation for the job-killing, retiree-hurting, Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal to a vote soon. The Fast Track bill has already passed in the Senate, and if approved by th...Read more >
Retiree Voting Record Released
May 26, 2015: Washington, DC – The Alliance for Retired Americans today released its 2014 voting record report which scored every U.S. Representative and Senator on key issues affecting current and future retirees. The voting record examined 10 key Senate votes ...Read more >