Stop Closing Our Social Security Offices
June 17, 2014: Since 2010, some members of Congress have been so intent on cutting your earned benefits that they’ve forced the country through a series of self-imposed crises. But benefit cuts aren’t the only way to dismantle our Social Security system. There ...Read more >
RAISE Your Voice For Social Security
June 11, 2014: Yesterday, Senators Mark Begich (D-AK) and Patty Murray (D-WA) announced exciting new legislation to expand Social Security. The Retirement and Income Security Enhancement Act of 2014 (or RAISE Act) would increase benefits for many widows, widowers a...Read more >
Tell Legislators to Stop Massive Cuts to Vital Services
May 14, 2014: The fate of Illinois’ state budget will be determined before the end of the month. There will be massive cuts to services, including home care services for seniors, if the 5% income tax is not made permanent. Send a letter to your state legislat...Read more >
May 13, 2014: Yesterday, Florida Senator and potential presidential candidate Marco Rubio called for the end of Social Security and Medicare. In a speech at the National Press Club in Washington DC, he reiterated what he has said in the past: The only way to s...Read more >
Could have had a tax cut if…
April 15, 2014: …we had enacted a Fair Tax. By now, almost all of us have filed our taxes. When many of us looked at our state returns, we were not happy with what we saw. We’re working with A Better Illinois coalition to make sure next year is much differ...Read more >
Tell Your Representative: Oppose the Ryan Medicare-Killing Budget!
April 07, 2014: House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan unveiled a Republican budget on April Fools’ Day that once again proposes privatizing Medicare and turning it into a voucher system, while lowering tax rates on the wealthy and corporations. Tell your re...Read more >
Seniors Celebrate Removal of Chained CPI Social Security Cut from President Obama’s Budget
February 20, 2014: The following statement was issued today by Barbara Franklin, President of the Illinois Alliance for Retired Americans: “We are thrilled with reports that President Obama heard Alliance members from across the country and removed the chained CPI...Read more >
Special Conference Call with U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders
January 22, 2014: As I hope you know, you have been part of a successful effort to prevent major cuts in Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. Your help is much appreciated. In November, a number of grass-roots organizations came together and presented Congress...Read more >
Your Social Security Benefit is at Stake
December 30, 2013: Your $800 increase in Social Security benefits is at stake. The Strengthening Social Security Act has been introduced into Congress to increase the average Social Security benefit by $800 annually. It will also improve the Cost of Living adjust...Read more >
Don’t Cut Social Security and Medicare. Expand Them!
December 04, 2013: We believe that all Americans deserve to retire with dignity. That's why we've long supported strengthening Social Security and Medicare. Through these programs, we have been able to lift millions out of poverty and provide affordable, high qualit...Read more >